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  • creative voice
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February 8, 2025
Remix and Stitch Lab retreat from Ellyn's Place

 I'm so excited to share a wonderful opportunity with you! Mod Maker Zone (aka Catherine and I!) are hosting a creativity retreat....

Remix and Stitch Lab

Remix and Stitch lab will be a five day immersive retreat where together we will explore our creative voices and processes. There will be some sewing (improv quilting!), paper crafting, weaving and even improv comedy! 

We're so happy that mixed media artist, Dori Patrick, will be joining us as a workshop teacher. I know you'll love Dori! Every time I interact with her I feel like sunshine has entered the room ...

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July 13, 2021
Through Ellyn's Eyes from Ellyn's Place

In the last several weeks, an idea has been percolating in my brain. Today I am putting it out there for the world (or at least a few of you!) to read, so that you can hold me responsible and follow along with my wacky plan. So here we go!

Much of this idea came to me after reading Lisa Congdon's book, Find Your Creative Voice: The Essential Guide to Working Your Creative Magic. Actually, reading it for the second time, highlighting portions that spoke to me (honestly, it would have been easier to highlight what didn't speak ...

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  • creative voice
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